Listen to the recording, add notes and share it. You can set which calls are recorded and which are ignored.
* If all other apps don't work, it's possible that this app still works. Call Recorder Pro Call Recorder Pro Apk Record phone call you want and choose which calls you want to save.

* If any other app works for your phone, this app works also. Compare to other apps = * This app is far more powerful than other apps, it has a lot of options to fix recording issues.
Supported phones = Support phones from Android 2.2 to Android 4.4. Unlike other apps, this app doesn't change any built-in files in the system, it only dynamically changes audio related settings (these settings will be restored to their original states after power off power on), so the app is definitely safe. After root, Record Mode 21,22,23,24,31,32,33,34 + Change Audio Controls option in this app will record calls well.

* Fix recording issues with root - Some phones need root to fix recording issues. Many options in the app such as Record Mode 11,12,13,14, Tune Special Parameters, Tune Samsung 1, Tune Samsung 2 and Tune Samsung 3 are very powerful, without root they can fix recording issues for a lot of phones that other apps can't achieve. * Fix recording issues without root - Some phones don't need root to fix recording issues, just select right recording parameters in the app to record perfectly. Fix recording issues = This app can fix recording issues above for most phones, recording calls clearly and loudly in two directions. * Can record calls, but when you play back the recordings they sound like fast forwarding or fast rewinding. * Can record calls, but in recordings the sound of the other side is very weak. * Can record calls, but in recordings the sound of your side is very weak. Recording issues = Some phones are disabled by ROM to record calls, they usually have following issues: * Can't record calls. Description of Call Recorder Boldbeast Two reasons you need this app = * You need a real business level call recorder, safe, clean, stable.